Saturday, March 6, 2010

halfway there, tragedy strikes

This week has been very trying for me. My host passed away February 28, and it had a huge effect on me. Throughout the week he had been having minor strokes, and was slowly deteriorating. On Saturday afternoon, something told me to go check on him and make sure he had called his son. We found him on the floor, unable to move. We called an ambulance, but it took more than an hour for the ambulance to arrive. When he got to the hospital, there was very little that the doctors could do. He was unable to breathe properly, and he had suffered a heart attack on arrival. He died peacefully, and without pain. His sson told me, "Even if you don't affect the lives of very many of the students, you made a man's death a lot more peaceful. If it wasn't for you, he probably would have died alone and in pain." So maybe the reason God brought me here wasn't primarily to change Phakamisani, but instead to change the lives of those I interact with. I was supposed to have gone to Cape Town for a week on a mini vacation, but at the last second my accomodation fell through. At the time, I was disappointed, but looking back I know God had it in his plan for me to be in Hanover.
This week will hopefully be less stressful, but with God by my side I know even if there is a terrorist attack on Hanover, God will be able to use me in a way only I can be used. I just have to listen and be ready for the opportunity.
On a different subject, the math students take their term test this Firday, so I will be able to judge how much I actually taught and the students actually retained. With a passing rate of 30%, I am not expecting the students to try their hardest. But if the class average is above what it was last year, I know I would have at least made a difference.
I had to diffuse two arguments at soccer practice last week, and I told the girls if it happens again that I would no longer be their coach. I hope that resonates with them, because I am smaller than many of the girls, so if a fight broke out I don't think I would be able to control it. The girls are getting better, and the team is growing every day. The other teachers tell me that the girls are always talking about it in class and inviting all of their friends because they are having so much fun. I am supposed to be taking the girls to a tournament in 2 weeks, but I am still struggling to find transportation for all the girls. I think I am going to have to solicit the services of the taxis, because they are the only ones who have the space to transport all the girls. The only problem with that is that I will have to send one group of girls alone in a taxi.


  1. Wow! Bekah,you are really making a difference there! Stay rested,and finish STRONG!
    We love you!

  2. Smiley...
    See! God is already working! It sounds like He is really using you...Probably more than you know. Hang in there, and continue to get your strength from God. Know I am praying.
